Friday, January 18, 2008

It's been ages since I last posted

I've decided to have another go at this blog thing. I can barely keep up with posting pictures on flickr, etsy, tapuz pc forum yet I still want a blog ! everyone has one so I should have one too.
I've made a few sales on etsy, good sign for things to come, I've put up more items and am really going to invest my time and thought to make more sales.
I have a sale on next week so I'm busy making my craft items: keychain, hamsas, covered plates.
It has been so cold here the past two weeks that I haven't been able to go into my studio to work on my lampwork beads. my fingers are so cold they just won't move the way I want them to, I may end up with toasted fingernails....
My silverwork is also at a standstill as it is way too cold to saw and hammer. so that leaves me with my beloved polymer clay which I work on at home. Valentine has been the theme and here are a few items
Yesterday I received Grant Diffendaffers new book "polymer clay beads". the photos are breathtaking although some of the projects are very advanced (lathe beads). I love the ideas he has for surface texturing and appreciate the fact that he cuts no corners to achieve the look he is after. I ordered the book from his site and he even signed it for me (yay). well worth checking out.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Thank God its the first day of school !!!!!!!

Ahhhh bliss, it is 07.30 a.m with no kids, quiet, just me, the dog and hum of the airconditioner.....

sent the kids off to school and kindergarten, finaly, sanity is returning to my little piece of heaven in the Beit Shean valley. I'm going to get myself a cup of coffee, ignore the dishes/laundry/dust/mess and chill out for a while. be right back!

Ok, got the coffee in hand, Joni Mitchell in the background, major chill out.

I need to get cracking on my polymer clay work. I had a sale two days ago on a kibbutz next door and sold really well. this week I have another sale on my kibbutz and I need to stock up on items. Its the High Holidays soon and people are buying presents left right and centre. The Hamsas are selling really well, so are the honey bowls. There are so many things on my list to make: covered diaries, more hamsas and honey bowls, barrettes, cellphone thingies and keychains. PLUS I need to make curtains pulls for my curtains. I was thinking of something style Donna Kato's layering technique or perhaps her pod technique. I'll let you all know once I decide.
sooooo, wishing me and all a great and prosperous week.

Trying to figure things out

Ok, slowly but surely I'm figuring this out, layouts and those kind of things. I'm sure I'll change the page a million times yet till I find a combo I like.

10 years since Princess Di left us, it was one of those events that everyone knows exactly what they were doing when they heard the news. like Kennedy being shot or 9/11.

I was 9 months pregnant with my first daughter, it was morning (our time), I was walking the dog, wearing the only dress that still fit me (lovely floral printed summer frock), my dad (who lived practicaly next door to me came running towards me, he told me princess Di is dead. I was shocked and saddened, I don't even know why, I have no great love for the royal family and they never interested me much. maybe it was the tragic way she died or the fact that she was so young, or perhaps because she always seemed so unhappy and finally she seemed to be getting her act together. 10 years! I remember it like yesterday.

First steps into bloggdom

Here it goes, my first step into the world of blogs, I know, kids a third of my age think blogs were invented by the caveman and I am not exactly foreign to the world of technology but blogs have just one step beyond my comfort zone.
I am all for progress so here I am, wish me luck, I'm diving in !